Question everything

Follow my personal inquiry and journey into fundamental aspects of life and reality.

About the site

This site contains a collection of personal "field notes" in the form of articles and journal entries. I maintain these as a practice for my spiritual and life cultivation, as a way to deepen and sharpen my perception and understanding. Academic life taught me an important lesson about forming precise and clear thought-forms: that it is essential for the process of creation, regardless of the topic. I've also learned that it is generally fruitful to question everything honestly, thus the tagline for the site.

Although these notes are primarily a result of my own personal practice, I am sharing them here in public for multiple purposes. First is that these lessons came to me through much struggle and effort. They represent what I view as some of my most valuable insights along the way, and therefore may have similar value to others. So I share them in the spirit of cooperation. In addition, I have certainly not come to these conclusions solely on my own. I had much help along the way from some generous and beautiful beings. I can never pay them back in full directly, but perhaps by sharing I can pay forward some fraction of what I've received by their grace. Finally, I do this in the spirit of creation. All such acts are most impactful upon the creator when they are shared. This has been a difficult lesson for me, as much of my path has been forged in relative spiritual solitude. In all cases, creation takes time and effort. The act of sharing also has its own timing, when the level of maturity is appropriate. Intuitively, it feels as though this point has finally been reached.

Although I am sharing this material publicly, it remains my own personal endeavor, always a work in progress. Therefore, it should be expected to be edited in whatever ways make sense to me, and not for the purposes of self-promotion. Don't be surprised if articles change, disappear or are rearranged in some unexpected ways.

For now, the content is divided into four sections:

Getting started

Introductions to the main sections of the site and some relevant background material

Core concepts

The most fundamental building blocks for approaching spiritual cultivation

Advanced topics

Various topics related to spirituality in some way, many of which are of interest to spiritual cultivators

Personal journal

Personal experiences related to the content on this site, with context based on my own interpretations

I want to say something briefly here about spiritual terminology. I intend to address this in more detail in my articles, but I think it's important to be clear, because in the era we're living today, there's an abundance of nonsense out there. Personally, I don't like having to use any terminology that I haven't clearly spelled out in detail, as it frequently leads to misunderstanding at a minimum, and far worse consequences in extreme cases. As a culture (at least in the case of my own as an American), we all love the sound of the exotic and esoteric. Access to the occult via such knowledge seems to give us special power. But this is a great misunderstanding and pitfall, and I won't go into all the details right here, but suffice it to say that I believe we should at least be cautious when it comes to terminology. Nonetheless, for the sake of brevity I'll sometimes use "common" spiritual terminology on this site to refer to phenomena that appear to be shared experiences, with the caveat that in fact no two experiences are exactly the same. Even so, there is some value to be found in shared context, and so I will use such terminology judiciously where I feel it is appropriate and safe to do so. Also, although I am familiar with terminology from various worldwide mystical traditions, I generally use terms from my own culture of origin, as they are most useful and accessible to me. This also forces me to examine my own assumptions with the greatest care that I can manage, and so I also recommend that everyone do the same.

For the purposes of dissemination, I may choose to publish copies of some of these articles elsewhere, where public visibility is higher. This should not be taken as permission for others to do the same. Please do not reproduce the content of this site in any form whatsoever. If you want to share any of this material, it is easy enough to provide web links to this site.

I've expended significant effort to make this site fast, easy to access, and intuitive to navigate. Near zero effort has gone into SEO, social media, interactive features, or other forms of promotion. No personal identifying data is collected and stored for any purposes. All programming, design, and content is 100% through my own effort, and thus any mistakes are also my responsibility.

© 2024 Michael Slack